Kenya remains one of the premier east African safari destinations , most notably because of its iconic national parks, and incredible natural beauty. The capital city of Nairobi plays host to famous hotels like Giraffe house, Hemingways, and famous restaurants like the Carnivore. This hub serves as the feeder aircraft to a host of national parks and private reserves. The most famous is the Masai Mara, home to the Kenyan side of the great migration, which reaches its peak in this park between August and October, its certainly the biggest name on the Kenyan safari circuit. Next in line is the beautiful Amboseli National Park, bordering on Tanzania, and looking towards Mt Kilimanjaro, just inside the Tanzanian border.
Kenya’s south-west is another of Africa’s great Wildlife Reserves, the Maasai Mara, which together with the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania forms a region that is incredibly diverse in its variety of fauna and flora, and known to offer possibly the greatest Big Game viewing Safaris. No Safari to this part of Africa should exclude Maasai Mara. Whilst it is an all year round destination the migratory period is by far the best time to visit and it should be on top of your bucket wish list.
Then heading back up north is the Meru National Park, made famous by the Born Free story, of rescued lions. A national park that has seen a huge comeback in he last decade from poaching, and now a haven of peace. A must stay is Elsa’s Kopje Lodge, named after the famous Elsa lion dating back to George and Joy Adamson’s heyday of conservation efforts in this mountainous park with incredible visual appeal in terms of geography, rocky outcrops, endless views and verdant valleys.
Aberdares National Park, Mount Kenya world heritage site and the stunning Indian ocean coastline south of Malindi and north of the Tanzanian border, offer other opportunities for the more adventurous traveler, as well as the wild Tsavo East and West national parks, deserve mention, but require a more robust sense of adventure, and a greater caution when travelling to, due to localized issues with poaching/ and or safety.
Kenya Highlights:
Planning a trip to Kenya?
This is simply an example of where you can go and the special areas you can see. Using this as an idea please get in touch with one of our experienced travel consultants to curate your trip!
Featured Travel Packages:

Kosher – Best of Kenya – 9 Days